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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to post the RS newsletter that I got in an email in case you read this and didn't get it.

*Presidency Message*
Spring has arrived! As we look out our windows this month we might see the beautiful colors, buds & blooms that spark the newness of life for nature. As we soak up the sun’s rays with much appreciation for the warmth and brightness that it offers we might find our self grateful for the changing season & feel ready to put another winter behind us. As we get outdoors to welcome springtime we have great potential to find a fulfilling sense of joy and gratitude for our families. We can satisfy this potential by working together to clean up our yards as we rake, prune, and clean away the winter, or as we prepare our flower and vegetable gardens, or as we simply go on walks together. We might find ourselves giggling with our children or grandchildren at the playground, or playing an all-age family game of softball. I don't know about you but I find these times to be a fantastic opportunity to truly count my blessings and enjoy the time I have with the family I am with.

A fabulous talk from the October 2010 conference titled Of Things That Matter Most by Dieter F Uchtdorf states that one of our key relationships is with our families. Since “no other success can compensate for failure” here, we must place high priority on our families. We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. We talk with, rather than about, each other. We learn from each other, and we appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities. We establish a divine bond with each other as we approach God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship.

I hope we can take some time this month to really build our family relationships, especially through spending time together. Take in the beauty that spring has to offer, soak up some sunlight, and maybe get a few things done while we are at it. Keep in mind, of all our earthly relationships; none are more important than the family.

Have a great month, we love you!

Angela, Marlene, Debbie, & Carrie

2nd Tana Barrett
9th Denise Allred
26th Angela Redding
29th Kelli Rich
29th Cynthia Ellsworth
30th Julie Severson

Other News

We have another new family to add to our ward family…Welcome Brian and Katie Wiggins! Their children are Brian II age 13, Brendan age 11, Brock age 2, and Bryce age 1.

Young Women News
In young women’s we have been working very hard on personal progress and we have a jar that we fill with little tokens for every experience or project that is completed. I am happy to report that your young women have filled that jar!! I am so proud of these girls, they have worked really hard. Please keep encouraging your daughters to keep working hard.
Our activities for April are as followed:
April 6th: Combined Young Women – We will be celebrating due to the personal progress jar being filled. Meet at church at 7:00pm.
April 13th: Laurels will be doing hair and make up.
Mia Maids will be going to Jakelle Johnson’s home to celebrate Jakelle’s birthday.
Beehives will be going to the Jones’s home to play in their gym.
April 20th: Combined Young Women/Young Men. Meet at church at 7:00pm.
April 27th: Laurels will be doing a Relief Society activity
Mia Maids activity will be announced in class
Beehives will be learning how to draw.
For all activities the Young Women are supposed to meet at the church unless told other wise.
There will be NO STAKE DANCE this month.
Primary News
Congrats to Mackenzie Redding who will be graduating from Primary this month - we will miss her!!
The theme for April in Primary is 'Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer' - and our scripture is Article of Faith number 3. We will be focusing on these truths throughout Singing and Sharing Times.

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